Entry 03
If you don’t know yourself, your choices have been made for you.
I know this from experience.
We are born and given a mask to wear for a lifetime designed to make you fit in with whatever image is thought to be proper. This mask is molded from societal conditioning, religious dictatorship, cultural boxes or any other mask you must wear or be an outcast.
I love the outcasts, the strange, the weirdos who smash the mask and expose their real face.
It’s not easy, again I know from experience.
Who has made the choice of which mask you are wearing?
Aren’t you tired of your own fakery at this point? Acting the part for fear the mask will fall off and people will see the real you, perhaps you’ll be outcast or deemed a weirdo.
It’s too much of a responsibility for most to face themselves without a mask. Removing the mask isn’t for everyone as it’s much easier to stay invisible behind the fitted face cover.
However, it’s really not easier, again I know from experience.
You can make the choice to remove the mask, discover who you truly are and live a life you’ll love.
You can start fresh, right now if you choose. You don’t need a permission slip and if you’re thinking, “what will people say about me?” let me tell you the truth …. you are wearing a mask.
I can help, it’s what my weirdo self does.