Entry 01
Most people will never become the best version of themselves.
They will live an entire life performing a role that was crafted for them by societal conditioning, religious dictatorship, parental figures and whatever else was used to shape thoughts, feelings and behavior. They’ll never risk leaving behind the old version to become the new.
It always feels risky to leave behind comfort for the quest of self-discovery.
Transformation for most people is a new hairstyle or losing weight. Some will buy a different brand of vehicle or take a vacation to a destination they’ve never visited. Nothing wrong with doing those things, however, it’s not the change that transforms you. Real transformation is an inside job.
Altering an outside aesthetic temporarily feels euphoric. The new car, piece of jewelry or a new home address soon becomes normal and then becomes old, and the next new thing is sought out.
Many people retire, have free time to reflect and come to discover they have regrets. One of the most popular is wishing they’d followed their passions, taken risks and not cared what others thought of their life choices. They long to turn back time and live as their true self.
This scares the hell out of me.
As scary as living an artificial life is, how do you discover what are desires exclusive to you versus the lifestyle expected from a social circle, tradition or cultural acceptance?
It’s not easy, however, it’s possible.
The journey of self-discovery and transformation takes discipline, courage and grit. This is mentioned repeatedly in philosopher writ because it’s true. Uncovering the parts of yourself that are buried in the shadows, deep in the unconscious and bring them out into the light is key, however, not for the weak.
There is nothing more exhilarating than achievement in the realm of personal growth. A desire to discover your potential and be courageous enough to live it. Again, it’s not easy, however, it’s the euphoria people like us crave.
The creme de la creme.